Tag Archives: reports

What Those Words on Yearly Performance Reviews REALLY Mean

Hi folks,

It’s been a while since my last update. I apologize for my tardiness. I have been quite busy with coaching, a presentation on PowerPoint repair, and setting up employee training courses at companies for immigrants who have English as a second language. In addition, I am moving in a couple of weeks. Busy busy!

Today I want to share with you a joke that originated as an email-based forward. You know those annoying forwarded messages that you get daily that crowd your inbox? You are bothered to receive them yet still curious to open some of them, if not all. The problem is, every once in a while, there is a good one. And that is what probably keeps us from asking people NOT to forward stuff to us. That, or the fact that we are sometimes guilty of the same offense!

Without further ado, I present to you a list that was a forwarded email. I do not know who the original author is, but did notice that they use British English spelling.

My thanks to my client Tatiana, who kindly provided this list to me. (I actually requested that she forward it to me – how is that for a change?)

What Those Words on Yearly Performance Reviews REALLY Mean:

1. Outgoing Personality: Always going out of the office
2. Great Presentation Skills: Able to B.S.
3. Good Communication Skills: Spends lots of time on phone
4. Work is First Priority: Too ugly to get a date
5. Active Socially: Drinks a lot
6. Independent Worker: Nobody knows what s/he does
7. Quick Thinking: Offers plausible excuses
8. Careful Thinker: Won’t make a decision
9. Uses Logic on Difficult Jobs: Gets someone else to do it
10. Expresses Themselves Well: Speaks English
11. Meticulous Attention to Detail: A nit-picker
12. Has Leadership Qualities: Is tall or has a louder voice
13. Exceptionally Good Judgement: Lucky
14. Keen Sense of Humour: Knows a lot of dirty jokes
15. Career Minded: Back stabber
16. Loyal: Cannot get a job anywhere else
17. Plans for Promotion/Advancement: Buys drinks for all the boys
18. Of Great Value to the Organisation: Gets to work on time
19. Relaxed Attitude: Sleeps at desk