English Acronyms and Short Forms for the Office

Here are a few acronyms that you most likely will come across as you work in a professional setting, like an office.  These will come in handy (be useful) as you read and write office memos, emails, texts and letters.

Re:  This means “Regarding”, as in “regarding (or in regards to) your question/memo/email etc.”

Appt:  This means “Appointment”.  Be careful not to use “Apt.” which actually is short for

ASAP:  “As Soon As Possible” – something needs to be done quickly!

ETA:   “Estimated Time of Arrival” – “What is the ETA on that package from Japan?”

Dept.:  “Department”.

H.R.:  Human Resources.  Can also end with “Manager”, “Management”, “Department”, etc.

CEO:  “Chief Executive Officer”

COO:  “Chief Operations Officer”

V.P.:  “Vice President”

VIP:  “Very Important Person”.  “We were given the VIP treatment by our suppliers today.”

RSVP:  French – Respondez sil-vous plait.  “respond if you please” is the literal translation, but in English we just say “please respond”.  This can be used in invitations, networking events, conferences, meetings etc.  “John if you want to come to the Christmas party with me you have to rsvp asap, so I know who is riding with me in my van.”

C.C.:  “Carbon Copy”, or identical copy.  Used in memos and emails.  This way you can send your email to many people at once.  Everyone can see the list of emails in the C.C. section.  We also use this in speaking at the office, for example “Mary can you request a Lunch N’ Learn on communication skills from H.R., and C.C. me on it (the email) please?

B.C.C.:  “Blind Carbon Copy” – same as above, but no one except you can see the email addresses in this section.

There are more but this list is a good start.  Enjoy!

Coach Ric

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