Greedy or Smart Business?


Like you I am paying attention to certain people’s blogs and newsletters. One of my favourite internet marketers is Perry Marshall. His newsletters give away a ton of free advice. I cannot afford any more of his services at this point, but I enjoy the articles. A lot of my business is done through the internet, so you can see why I appreciate his advice.

Here is an interesting communication issue. Perry gave a seminar and afterward people in the group asked to set up a lunch date with him, and he responded with a “sure, as long as you pay my $725/hour fee!”.

A man named Dennis (with poor spelling) emailed him to tell him he thought that was greedy and not a very business-like response.

Perry wrote a response and published both on his blog.
Now a zillion people have commented on the letter/response, offering their own opinion.

I think this letter/response is worth reading, especially if you are a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, sales rep, or just interested in this ethical question.

I will let you make up your own mind ethically. My short response to this is that it is not WHAT you say but HOW you say it. My old boss used to tell me that I could deliver the worst of news but that no one would be offended because of the way I smiled and delivered the news softly and sometimes with humour.

Perhaps a little tact in delivering his message would have saved Perry a lot of time with this, but on the other hand, perhaps the publicity is good. Look at what it has caused me to do – post it here!! (Man that Perry is clever – I love him!)

Here is the post to his blog where the letter/response can be read.


PS I am not affiliated with Perry. I am just a fan.

One thought on “Greedy or Smart Business?

  1. Michael Dundas

    I think you are correct Ric.

    I read the email and Perry’s response. Even his response has a ‘tone’, a sort of ‘pre-madonna’ type attitude. Intentional or not it is there. Maybe you should offer him a few consulting sessions on ‘how to say what he wants to say’ …. it might help him ….. (I think $750 /hour would be a good rate ;))


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